Welcome to Island Park Elementary! We want to introduce you to the Island Park Family and hope this page provides helpful information. As a new family, we know you have many questions. It is our goal to either answer those questions or help you navigate Island Park and point you in the right direction.
New to the Mercer Island School District? Please visit MISD New Families Enrollment Information page to enroll.
Important Action Items
1 - Register on this site
Not only is this website a place for information— it's is a pretty fantastic tool. We use it to make working together easier— and far less paperwork for everyone! Signing up is free and quick, and is bound to save you time down the road. You will be added to our mailing list once you are registered.
Incoming Kindergarten - select "Incoming Kindergarten" under Grade and "Pre-K/TBD" for Teacher.
Summer Registration - select grade level prior to the new school year and "Pre-K/TBD" for Teacher.
*The system will automatically promote students to the next grade level on August 31st. Registration after August 31st please indicate the grade level for the current school year.
Once your account is established, you can invite others to use your account. Go to: My Account > Settings > Access tab. Step-by-step Guide
Need help? Click here.
2 - Join the PTA
Once you are registered and logged in, one of the first steps for all families (both new and returning) is to go to the Back-to-School Parent Pack. Here you will be able purchase Eagle spirit wears, order yearbook and join the Island Park and WA State PTA. Becoming a member means you will have the opportunity to vote on programs and spending priorities at our school. Finally, you have the opportunity to make a real difference for your child through the Island Park PTA Fundraising Ask Campaign. The Ask Campaign replaces other fundraising activities (auctions, gift wrap and candy bar drives, etc.). The suggested donation will help fund the outstanding programs at Island Park.
*Parent Pack is available at the beginning of each school year (late August).
3 - School supplies
The PTA is paying for school supplies for the 2023-2024 school year for all students. Please see parent pack info when it becomes available on Aug 21, 2023.
4 - Volunteer - Get Involved!
Volunteering at Island Park is a great way to get involved inside or outside the classroom. We love our volunteers because they make our events fun and successful!
If You are New This Fall:
Opening Day Coffee – Please join us for a welcome coffee for all new families, including Kindergartners, to learn more about the school and meet other new families. Please check our calendar for other upcoming events.
Back-to-School Checklist – This checklist will have all the information you need to get ready for first day of school.
IMPORTANT! – Join our mailing list to receive important communications on school activities and PTA events. If you have any questions, please contact New Family Chair.
School Calendar. There are a few online calendars; Mercer Island School District (MISD) and the Island Park PTA Calendar.
Island Park Eagle eNews, Our school newsletter comes out approximately every two weeks with great information on upcoming events and activities for your child and family. Parents registered on the PTA website will receive the Eagle eNews and other important school communications. Grandparents and community members can subscribe to the newsletter here.
Island Park Facebook Page, follow us on Facebook for upcoming events and activities information.
Sign Up for Emergency Notifications – Information on school outages and other emergencies will be posted to the Public Schools Emergency Communication System by 5:30a.m. by Mercer Island’s Superintendent. Sign up for Mercer Island emergency notifications at FlashAlert.
Sign Up For Skyward Family Access – Skyward Family Access is our state-wide student information system. With Skyward, you will get online access to your child’s report cards and you can monitor and add to your child’s food service account via credit card. To sign up, please contact Mary Newcomer with the MISD at 236-3330.
Island Park Absentee Line – The purpose of this program is to alert parents when their child is not present at school and there has been no notification to the school of the child’s absence by the parents or guardians of the child. If your child will be absent please call, 206-236-3411 and leave a message with the following information.
- Your name
- Your child’s name
- Child’s teacher
- Reason for absence/tardiness and how long the child will be absent
Other helpful phone numbers
- Island Park Main Office: 206-236-3410
- Bus Transportation: 206-236-3338.
Get a Student Directory – Each year Island Park Student and Staff Directory is available to Island Park PTA members. To get access to the password-protected online directory, Join the PTA. You can join the PTA and get access to the directory any time of year (mobile app is available for download). This is a great resource to access class email list for birthday or playdate invites!
Nice To Know
“No School – Teacher Conferences” – Parent-teacher conferences are in the late fall and consequently there are several half days or no-school days. Please note that a “half day” means noon release. These days may vary year to year. Please plan your child care accordingly and look closely at elementary teacher conference dates on the MISD calendar.
After School Activities – Island Park offers before and after school enrichment programs and student clubs. Some of these programs require beginning of the year registration and/or beginning of the trimester registration. Contact the program coordinator of your specific program or the PTA Enrichment for enrollment information or questions. Buses also go to Youth Theatre Northwest and the JCC throughout the year. Please check with these organizations directly, however, to coordinate logistics and ask questions.
Early Release Wednesdays – Remember, school gets out at 2:05 pm on Wednesdays.
Door open at 9:00 am. Make sure your child is not left unattended before 9 am. School starts at 9:15 am.
Bus Transportation – If your student has not arrived at home from a school bus ride as expected, please call the district transportation office Dispatcher at 206-236-3338 or Island Park Main Office at 206-236-3410.
Lunch and Allergies
How Do I Buy Lunch?
- Get a Skyward account. Please contact Mary Newcomer at 206-230-6336 on how to sign up.
- Visit the Skyward parent portal
- Click on the “Parents & Families” tab and scroll down to Skyward Family Access
- Log in to Skyward Family Access
- Use your Debit or Credit Card to add money. You can add money at any time.
- Every child has a lunch card (like a credit card but their photo is on it) printed and kept atthe school.
How does lunch work? Look at the lunch menu (these change every month) and decide what days your child will have lunch. Tell your child he or she will be having hot lunch today. When your child arrives at school, the teacher will ask “Who is having hot lunch today.” The teacher will then organize the cards. At lunch time, the kids will get their cards and head to the lunch room. There is a special line the kids stand in to get hot lunch. If the kids DON’T have hot lunch, they head straight to the tables and start eating. Kids sit with their classmates. After lunch, kids clear their lunch into compost/recycling and trash bins on the way to recess. After recess, the kids pick up their lunch boxes and put them into their back packs.
Allergy Information: If your child has an allergy, you must inform the school. If there are allergies in the classroom, no snacks will be allowed with that food. There is a special table for children with allergies in the lunch room.
Upcoming Events
- Friday, March 28
- Tuesday, April 1
- Wednesday, April 2
- Thursday, April 3
- Monday, April 14
- Tuesday, April 15
- Wednesday, April 16
- Thursday, April 17