Two parents can share one Membership Toolkit account within an organization. There are two different scenarios on how the two separate logins can be used for a single Membership Toolkit account.
Scenario #1 - Parent #1 Creates an Account and Parent #2 Does NOT Previously Have An Account With Your Organization
When Parent #1 creates the Membership Toolkit account he/she has the option of providing information for the second parent. If he/she creates his/her account and lists a second parent with an email address, the second parent will be able to log in, verify his/her email address, and be connected to the original Membership Toolkit account already created by Parent #1.
If Parent #2 has a Membership Toolkit account with another organization, he/she will not need to verify his email address.
Scenario #2 - Parent #1 Creates an Account and Parent #2 Already Has An Account With Your Organization
If both parents already have accounts with your organization, they can choose to use one account moving forward. The parent that has the account that will be the one that will be used moving forward will need to "invite" parent #2 to join his/her account. The original account created by Parent #2 will become inactive.
To invite Parent #2 to join the account for Parent #1:
1. Parent #1 should select their Membership Toolkit account information by clicking on their name in the login box. This will either be found at the very top or very bottom of your screen. You can also go to My Account on the Main Navigation and select "Update My Account" from the drop down menu.

2. Choose the Access tab. Complete the information to "Link Other Emails to this Account." (Email Address, YOUR Password, and whether they are a Student or Profile Owner)

3. Parent #2 will need to click on the link in the email they will receive. This link will expire 7 days after it has been sent.

4. Both email addresses will now be presented as having access to the account.