SPRING Enrichment Classes

3/11/2024 12:00 am

As a service to the Island Park community, the PTA helps to coordinate after school activities throughout the year. The activities listed below take place on the Island Park campus, making participation easy and convenient.*


Click on the links below for more information and to register.


Last updated: March 2023


  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday




(Room 6)

3:45-4:50 PM


NEW! Smart with Art

(Room 6)





3:45-5:00 PM

Chess Club




Curiosity Club
(Room 6)


Seattle Magic



Chinese Language & Culture 

(Room 6)

Engineering & Programming

(Room 6)



Chess Club 
Mondays | 3:45-5:00pm | Island Park Library I Grades: K-5 I Max: 32 Students

Cost: $200 | April 15 – June 17 (NO class on May 27) I 9 sessions


Excel with Chess teaches life skills through the game of chess.  Chess study has shown to increase math skills, concentration, memory, and self-confidence. Classes are tailored to the level of competency exhibited among the students. All students, of any skill level, are welcome.




NEW! Smart with Art- Art in Bloom

Monday I 3:45-4:50pm I Room 6 I Grades K-5 I Max: 15 Students

Cost: $168 I April 22 - June 10 (NO Class on May 27) I 7 sessions 


Join us as we create spring art inspired by master artists. We will learn about Matisse, as we collage an interior room including a vase with flowers. We will work with a resist effect and watercolor paints as we explore the large-scale flowers painted by Georgia O'Keeffe. Everything is blooming with Smart with Art this session. Join us for all new lessons and explore new art techniques. Please note this class ends at 4:50pm




Curiosity Club - STEAM Fun Lab
Tuesdays | 3:45-5:00pm I Room 6 I Grades: K-3 I Max: 16 Students

Cost: $271 | April 16 - June 11 I 10 sessions


Curiosity Club—S.T.E.A.M. powered weekly sessions. Join us in weekly exploration of the curious worlds of science, technology, engineering, art and math with fun (and sometimes messy!) projects aligned with grade level academics and common core standards. You will conduct experiments, build, take apart, create and see how art, science and technology are connected.



Sponge Language School - Spanish
Wednesdays | 2:05-3:20pm | Room 6 I Grades: K-5 I Max: 12 Students

Cost: $270 | April 17 - June 12 I 9 sessions


Sponge classes are immersion based and designed to instill a love of language and culture while
developing language skills. Our native-speaker teachers use a communicative approach, with lots of
movement, games, music, props and gestures that allow everyone to join in the fun. Learners of all skill levels are welcome to join - no prior language exposure required! Returning students welcomed and encouraged!


For the spring session, we will focus on learning common vocabulary related to houses. Students will be able to name rooms and common furniture in a house. They will also learn to identify specific locations such as on and under the table, behind the door, etc. while helping to find a missing key.




Chinese Language & Culture by Miss Li
Thursdays | 3:45-5:00pm | Room 6 I Grades: K-3 I Max: 15 Students

Cost: $206 | April 18 - June 6 I 8 sessions


Miss Li's Chinese Language and Culture Class combines traditional language teaching with cultural immersion activities. In each class, we will:

  • Learn and practice how to speak the common daily sentences in Chinese; 
  • Introduce the Chinese characters and sentences and practice through games, story-telling, or calligraphy; 
  • Introduce the Chinese traditional culture and events (Chinese New Year, Dragon Boat Festival, etc) through fun activities like paper cutting, folk songs/poems appreciation, etc. This class is open to all students whether they have a Chinese language background or not.




Discover Magic Purple Wand Magic Course
Thursdays | 3:45-5:00pm | Island Park Library I Grades: 1-5 | Max: 20 Students

$307 | April 18 - June 13 I 9 sessions


Get ready to take an amazing adventure into the exciting world of magic! Learn how to cut a lady in half, give your friends super hero powers and make invisible objects appear in a magic pouch, just to name a few! Join the Seattle Magic Academy with their very popular magic class! This Spring quarter is the “Purple Wand” magic course (the 4 different wand color courses offered can be taken in any order). Students gain communication skills and self-confidence in these magic classes. They will receive all the magic tricks taught in the course, “secret” file folders, access to an online video vault to revisit everything being taught, and more!

The instructor is Xakary the Magician, the only magician from the Northwest to ever be voted through by the judges on America’s Got Talent. Xakary is the owner of the award-winning Seattle Magic Academy. 




NEW! Introduction to Engineering and Scratch Programming
Friday | 3:45-5:00pm | Room 6 I Grades: 2-4 I Max: 12 Students
Cost: $249 | April 19 - June 7 (NO class on May 24) I 7 sessions


In this class run by iCode School, students will explore the world of coding and engineering in a comprehensive class designed for new and returning 2nd, 3rd, and 4th-grade students. The program covers block-based programming with Scratch and hands-on engineering projects. This program aims to equip students with essential computer science skills, foster creativity, and cultivate a passion for STEM subjects.



Questions? Please contact enrichment@islandparkpta.org 


* These are neither school district nor PTA-sponsored activities.


The participants agree to protect, indemnify, and hold harmless the district and PTA, including elected and appointed officials, employees, agents, staff and volunteers, from any and all claims, liabilities, damages, expenses, or rights of action, directly or indirectly attributed to the activities.