IN THIS ISSUE Parent Pack | Eagle Wear | National Walk to School Day | New Family Coffee PTA General Membership Meeting From the Librarian | Counselor's Corner | Volunteer Opportunities | Thank You Advocacy Updates | MISD News | Community Events | MI Activities for Kids |
From the Interim Principal 
Hello Eagle Families, It is my pleasure to introduce myself to you as the Interim Principal of Island Park Elementary School during the time that Mr. Hoffman will be on leave. I bring to this position several years of experience as a Director of Special Education, as well as six years serving as a Nationally Board Certificated Special Education Teacher at the secondary level, and three years of experience as an Assistant Principal at both Island Park and Lakeridge Elementary Schools. It has been, and continues to be, a joy to be an educational leader in our District. Click here to continue reading. |
September 30 | Deadline for Parent Pack and Eagle Wear orders
October 2 | National Walk to School Day 2 | New Family Coffee | 9:30 am 3 | MISD New Families Welcome Event | 6 pm 10 | PTA General Membership meeting | 9:15 am 11 | Early dismissal | 12:15 pm 31 | Halloween Parade and classroom parties
View Full Calendar |
2019-2020 Island Park PTA Parent Pack Deadline to respond: TOMORROW, Monday, September 30
The majority of our Island Park families have completed this year's Island Park PTA Parent Pack - Thank you!! If it's still an unchecked item on your Back-to-School to-do list, now is the time to cross it off!
The online forms take less than 10 minutes (desktop or mobile device) to complete. Questions? Please contact communications@islandparkpta.org.
Last Chance to Get Your Eagle Wear!
 Show your school spirit and support the Island Park PTA by getting your child some Island Park Eagle Wear! Your children will be so excited to have some stylish, new clothes to wear that show their Island Park pride! Orders are due TOMORROW, Monday, September 30. No late orders will be accepted. Questions? Please contact spiritwear@islandparkpta.org. |
Celebrate National Walk to School Day with Us! Wednesday, October 2
Lace up your walking shoes and join Island Park students and their grownups for Walk to School Day! Children and adults around the nation will celebrate the benefits of cycling and walking on safe routes to school. If you live too far away to walk from home or can't walk long distances, consider parking at Island Crest Park near the ball fields, or at the Dragon Park parking lot, and walk from there. Then join us at the playground shelter area from 8:45-9:10 am to learn about walking and bike safety. For more information, contact community@islandparkpta.org. |
New Family Coffee Wednesday, October 2 | 9:30-10:30 am | South End Starbucks
New to Island Park? Join us for an informal New Family Coffee after drop-off! This is a fun, low-key hour to grab a coffee, chat, and dish on life on MI and Island Park! If you are interested in connecting with a family buddy, e-mail Carmela Wood or Nina Cuneo. More information on the PTA website. |
PTA General Membership Meeting Thursday, October 10 | 9:15-11:30 am | Portable 2
The first PTA General Membership Meeting of the year is almost here! In addition to the opportunity to hear from Interim Principal Lisa Deen, we have invited District Professional Development coaches Matt Lavigne and Julie Newcomer to share how they support the excellence of our teachers every day at Island Park. It will be an interesting conversation, so we hope to fill the room - hope to see you there! |
AmazonSmile Did you know? Every time you shop at Amazon.com, you can also donate to Island Park PTA at the same time! Select "Island Park PTA" as your charity every time when you shop at smile.Amazon.com, and a percentage of your purchase comes back to the Island Park PTA!
Eagle Birthday Books We are changing our Eagle Book donation to the Eagle Birthday Book donation this year! With your donation through the Parent Pack, the library will purchase a book on your behalf during your child's birthday month, which your child will be the first to choose and check out during their class library time that month. For summer birthdays, we will celebrate August with September and June with July. A special bookplate printed with your child's name will be added to the book(s). Click below to celebrate your child and have a book donated to the library to be enjoyed by students for years to come.

Global Reading Challenge The King County Library System is sponsoring the 19th Annual Global Reading Challenge (A Battle of the Books Program) offered to grades 4 and 5. I will send out more detailed information in October when the five books are announced.

Hello Island Park families,
We are off to a great start for the year! Mercer Island Youth and Family Services received a SAMSHA grant this summer to increase our trauma-informed work with the basic idea that as humans, all of us have a central need for connection and compassion. Trauma is prevalent in our world and has an impact on many of the people with whom we interact, including students, staff, and families. Trauma is a wound that injures us emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually. Human beings are wonderfully equipped to be able to orient, survive, and adapt to a wide range of experiences. The central principles of Trauma-Informed Care are based around these three ideas: Safety and Trust, Choice and Voice, and Strengths and Resilience.
Click here to continue reading. |
5th Grade Musical 
Hello 5th grade parents! You may have already heard that the Island Park 2019-2020 Musical, “The Jungle Book,†has swung into action! In keeping with Island Park tradition, every fifth grader will be a part of this wonderful production. The performances will be on Thursday and Friday, November 14 and 15.
To put on such a production, we will need many volunteers. Whether it is just to come in and help inventory costume bags to see if any students are missing costumes (costume creation/procurement), assisting with procuring and/or painting set pieces (set construction/crew), or some other task, your help would be greatly appreciated!
Please click below to let us know if you would be willing to help. The more volunteers we have, the less work each person will need to do, and the more fun it is for everyone! We are truly excited to begin working with your children on this project and introduce them to this fun and engaging script!
Library Volunteers
Interested in getting involved in your child's reading? The library relies on an amazing pool of library volunteers to help out in the library all year long. Many enjoy interacting with their child's class as they come to the library to checkout books; others volunteer for special projects or the book fairs. Come enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and help promote reading. No experience necessary.

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You |
A big thank you to the Back to School Bash Committee and volunteers who made this year's event such a great success!
Jill Simmons, Nina Cuneo, Tara Reimers, Carmela Wood, and Linda Kercher |
Candidates Forum Monday, October 14 | 6:30 pm | West Mercer Gym
The public is invited to hear from candidates for Mercer Island City Council & MISD School Board through a question and answer format moderated by Simone Alicea. For a list of additional future community forums, please click here. |
 | Mercer Island School District News |  |
New Families Welcome Event Thursday, October 3 | 6-7:30 pm | Islander M.S. Commons
New students of every age and their families are welcome to attend! You will be able to meet key school district leaders, and more than 20 Island community organizations - including PTA, youth sports, after-school activities, and child care providers - will be in attendance to offer information about their services. Pizza and beverages will be served. Children are welcome. We are eager to welcome your family to MISD and answer your questions.
Facilities Planning Committee Seeking Members Deadline: Friday, October 4
The District is seeking community members for a Facilities Planning Committee (FPC) to help develop a Long-Range Facilities Plan around the District’s values, vision, and mission. The FPC will meet once per month in the evening for approximately six months beginning in November. Some preparatory reading prior to meetings may be required. Interested community members should send a letter of interest by Friday, October 4 to Superintendent Donna Colosky, c/o Kendall Taylor, 4160 86th Ave. SE, Mercer Island, WA 98040, or by e-mail. |
Medicine Take Back Day - NEW! Saturday, October 26 | 10 am - 2 pm | MI City Hall Loading Dock Protect our kids, families, and environment by properly disposing of your unwanted and expired medicines at no-cost and anonymously. Click here to view which medicines will be accepted. |
 | Mercer Island Activities for Kids |  |
YMCA Y Guides Circle Meeting - NEW! Wednesday, October 2 | 6:30 pm | MI Community & Event Center New groups of dads and their kids are forming now. Anyone interested is welcome to come and hear more about the program! Click here for more information.
Family & Kid Yoga - NEW! Sunday, October 20 | 1:30-2:30 pm | Yogabliss Register at www.yogabliss.org under workshops. Come play, stretch, and find some calm in your day together!
Mercer Island Pumpkin Walk - NEW! Sunday, October 27 | 5-8 pm | Luther Burbank Park Join us for a fun and festive non-scary Pumpkin Walk! The Meadow Picnic Area Loop will be lined with pumpkins, artfully carved by volunteers, for people of all ages to enjoy. This year's event will be bigger and better than ever with food trucks, dedicated parking lots, and a paved walking trail. Click here for more information.
Girl Scouts
Interested in joining Girl Scouts? K-5th grade Troops are forming now! Click here for more information.
Kids Co. - Before and After-School CareDesigned to meet the needs kids have during non-school hours. Contact Brittany Smathers, Program Manager at (206) 437-8396 or click here for more info.
Kids Corps tutoring Volunteer club focused on providing one-on-one tutoring for elementary students by MIHS students. Applications for new tutees are available here. For more information, contact mihskidscorps@gmail.com. Kidstown at the SJCCBefore and after-school program offering a nurturing and welcoming environment to kids in K-5th grades. Click here for more information.
Mercer Island Martial Arts Interested in learning martial arts or self defense, gaining confidence and flexibility, or just wanting to burn off some extra energy? For more information, click here.
SJCC Fall After-School Classes Monday, September 9 - Friday, November 22 In addition to returning favorites (like Karate X, STEM Sports, hip hop dance, and more), we're excited to offer a set of brand new J classes! Another NEW option: available extended care in our Kidstown after-school program after your after-school classes in our new After School Plus.
Study Zone Saturdays 2:30-4:30 pm | Sundays 3-5 pm (except during school breaks) | MI Library Students in grades K-12 can drop in for free tutoring on all subjects and help with study skills. Help with reading and writing is also available. Questions? Contact Carrie or call the Library at (206) 236-3537.
Youth Theatre Northwest - After-School Classes After-school theatre classes with popular themes strengthening creativity, confidence, and collaborative thinking. Register at youththeatre.org. New students receive 25% discount. Contact Stephanie for more information! Island Park Elementary (IPE) PTA and the Mercer Island School District have neither reviewed nor approved the programs, personnel, activities, or organizations announced in these flyers or websites. The participants agree to protect, indemnify, and hold harmless the District and IPE PTA, including elected and appointed officials, employees, agents, staff, and volunteers, from any and all claims, liabilities, damages, expenses, or rights of action, directly or indirectly attributed to the activities. Permission to distribute this information and/or flyers should not be considered a recommendation of the programs by the school district or by the IPE PTA. These are neither school district nor IPE PTA-sponsored activities. |
 | Island Park Fundraising No Extra Spending. No Catches. |  |
 | | Cut or scan these Box Tops for Education on popular products and send them in to school for collection. Save them for competitions run throughout the year or just send them straight in. Either way, you'll help raise money for Island Park! |
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