Special Edition | March 13, 2020 |
IN THIS ISSUE President's Message | From the Principal | Mercer Island School District News
President's Message From PTA Co-President, Pam Hinnen and Andrea Simpson |
Hi families,
We wanted to reach out and make sure everyone has as much information as possible during this uncertain time. We also wanted to offer our appreciation for the school district's thoughtful response and efforts to this crisis and know that we can count on them for more relevant communication going forward. ​
The school district has posted K-5 technology at home resources and we have included the link here. They advised families to continue to check their website for updates.​
If you are looking for an alternative way to feel good and help our community during this hard time, please see below:​ - Donate blood to Bloodworks NW. The Pacific Northwest’s blood supply is at risk of collapse in coming days. The accelerating number of blood drive cancellations due to the closure of schools, businesses, and events over coronavirus concerns has put nearly 60% of the community’s blood supply in jeopardy. Bloodworks is urging the community to step up to donate and spread word of the current need. ​The blood drive is Sunday, Mar 15th ​​at Herzl-Ner Tamid, Upper Foyerfrom 9:00AM - 3:00PM​, (Closed 11:15AM - 12:00PM)​​. The address is 3700 E Mercer Way.
- MIYFS is no longer accepting food donations. Instead, they are asking the community to donate $25 grocery gift cards. You can drop off or mail gift cards to ​Luther Burbank Park Administration Building located at 2040 84th Avenue SE.
- Please consider Island Books for books, crafts, puzzles, games for your family, gift cards, or consider donating a book to seniors! Island Books will deliver for free! Email or call 206-232-6920.​
- Continue to frequent restaurants and small businesses in our area. Many restaurants offer takeout and will deliver.​
Please don't hesitate to email us if you have any questions or if you need assistance with anything.
Take care,​ Andrea & Pam |
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Dear Island Park Families,
As we begin our open-ended sabbatical away from school, I can't help but think about the Omaha tornado of 1975. It destroyed a huge part of the city a month before the end of the school year. While my dad was worried that our trash cans had blown away, I was concerned about school and my friends, many of whom had houses destroyed or severely damaged.
We missed a few days of learning so that everyone could pitch in and help neighbors whose lives were disrupted and traumatized. We were all amazed at the singular power of mother nature and what she did to our city--and psyches-- in just a few minutes.
School was our balm and security blanket. Even as high schoolers, we needed the predictability that comes with schedules, homework, after-school clubs and ...continue reading |
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| Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates
ALL MISD SCHOOLS WLL BE CLOSED STARTING MARCH 13th. Daily updates are being posted on mercerislandschools.org/coronavirus in addition to daily emails sent to parents from MISD Superintendent Donna Colosky, (communications@mercerislandschools.org).
School Lunches Order Info
Beginning Monday, March 16, families will be able to order lunches online and pick them up at one of two locations. The lunches will be available to all students and those families who are receiving meal assistance will continue to do so during the closure.
If you believe that you might qualify for free and reduced meal assistance and have yet to apply, please contact the District office for information.
Tyrell Bergstrom 206-236-3295, tyrell.bergstrom@mercerislandschools.org
To Order Lunches: Preorder is required each day Orders will be taken between 6 p.m. the evening before and 9 a.m. that day Student meal accounts will be charged according to the student’s free and reduced eligibility status Students must be present to claim the lunch Adult meals are not available for purchase
Locations to pick up meals: Mercer Island High School for students from West Mercer, Northwood and MIHS Islander Middle School for students from IMS, Island Park and Lakeridge
Pick-up times: To Order: |
HUGE changes this year!!! Box Tops has gone digital! No more clipping. No more sending baggies of Box Tops to school!! It adds up! To learn more, visit the Box Top$ for Education page.
AmazonSmile Did you know? Every time you shop at Amazon.com, you can also donate to Island Park PTA at the same time! Select "Island Park PTA" as your charity every time when you shop at smile.Amazon.com, and a percentage of your purchase comes back to the Island Park PTA!