IN THIS ISSUE Holiday Book Fair | Winter After-School Enrichment | Enrichment Grants | Talent Show Volunteer Opportunities | Thank You | Community Events | MI Activities for Kids |
12 & 13 | Holiday Book Fair 23-31 | Winter Break - School closed
January 1-3 | Winter Break - School closed 24 | Talent Show applications due 31 | International Night
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Holiday Book Fair Thursday & Friday, December 12 & 13 | 8:30 am - 4 pm | IP Library 
We are having a two-day holiday book fair! Please come and support your child's reading. Fifty-five percent of the proceeds go back to the school. In addition to hours during the school day, Family Night will be on Thursday from 5 to 7 pm.
Students will be able to shop during the day (cash or credit card - no checks please). Scholastic also has some new features such as online shopping or eWallet explained here (a flyer highlighting books is available, too). If you would like to volunteer, please sign-up below.

For questions, contact Librarian Barb Middleton.
Winter After-School Enrichment
Registration for our winter session of after-school enrichment activities is now live! This session will begin the week of January 6, after we return from Winter Break. Some classes are already full, and many are near closing, so please take the time to register now!
- Smart with Art: January 6 – March 30
- Curiosity Club: January 6 – March 30 - FULL
- Green Team: Meets monthly October – May
- Chess4Life: January 14 – March 31
- Girls on the Run*: March 3 – May 17
- Sponge School Mandarin: October 2 – May 20
- Sponge School Advanced Spanish: October 3 – May 21
- Discover Magic: January 9 – March 19
- Play-Well TEKnologies: January 10 – March 27
*GOTR registration opens in January 
Enrichment Grants 
On behalf of our entire Island Park community, we want to thank you PARENTS for your generosity in supporting the Island Park PTA and Mercer Island Schools Foundation. Because of your donations, we were able to award over $32,000 in enrichment grants to Island Park staff. These grants will directly benefit our children by funding resources and experiences that enrich and deepen the curricular experience in the classroom. Some of the grants awarded for the 2019-2020 school year include: - Shakespeare artist-in-residence
- Mary Watson artist-in-residence
- Kids Quest in-house science program
- Seattle Art Museum docent
- Creative movement and yoga instruction
- Visiting author
- Global Reading Challenge
- Books for guided reading groups
- Books targeting social-emotional learning and anxiety
- Osmo Genius learning system
- LETRS training
- Mind Yeti mindfulness
We are so thankful for your generosity and ongoing support!
With gratitude, Jamie Huynh & Amanda Colburn Co-VP Enrichment, Island Park PTA Dawn Dunn Board Member, Mercer Island Schools Foundation
Starry Starry Night Talent Show - Applications now available! Thursday, March 12 | 6:30-8:30 pm | IP MPR Applications due Friday, January 24 
We encourage all budding singers, dancers, comedians, musicians, jugglers, gymnasts, and performers with any other amazing talents to audition for this year’s talent show! We are also looking for some Masters of Ceremonies – please come to the audition with a Talent Show welcoming script. Click below to access the application! For questions, contact Co-Leads Susan Hamp or Karen Swift. 
AmazonSmile Did you know? Every time you shop at Amazon.com, you can also donate to Island Park PTA at the same time! Select "Island Park PTA" as your charity every time when you shop at smile.Amazon.com, and a percentage of your purchase comes back to the Island Park PTA!
Library Volunteers
Interested in getting involved in your child's reading? The library relies on an amazing pool of library volunteers to help out in the library all year long. Many enjoy interacting with their child's class as they come to the library to checkout books; others volunteer for special projects or the book fairs. Come enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and help promote reading. No experience necessary. Sign-ups for December available below.

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You |

Many thanks to Elizabeth Kaplan and Becky McKanna for making this year's Books & Bites a great success! |
Annual Holiday Sing-Along Sunday, December 8 | 7 pm | The Royal Room Mr. and Mrs. Hamp's singing group, Sing Noel (also known as the 32nd Street Singers), will be leading the annual Royal Room Holiday Sing-Along. This fun and highly interactive event is for all ages. Lyrics are projected on the big screen, and the choir leads you in traditional holiday favorites. Click here for more information and to make reservations. |
Sing Noel Choral Music Concert Monday, December 16 | 7:30-9 pm | MI Congregational Church Mr. and Mrs. Hamp's singing group, Sing Noel, will also perform a free concert highlighting the beauty of choral music within the wonderful acoustics of the MI Congregational Church. Our repertoire will include some lush new holiday arrangements. |
 | Mercer Island Activities for Kids |  |
Island Park Winter After-School Enrichment Click here for more information and to register.
Smart with Art Holiday Workshop Wednesday, December 11 | 2:05-3:20 pm | Island Park E.S. Click here for more information and to register.
Boy Scouts Troop 678 fundraiser - NEW! Thursday, December 12 | 5-9 pm | Qdoba Click here for more information.
"Excerpts from the Nutcracker" by Island Youth Ballet Friday-Sunday, December 13-15 | JCC Click here for more information and to purchase tickets.
Northwest Boychoir Auditions For January 2020 enrollment. Click here for more information.
SJCC Winter After-School Classes Thursday, January 9 - Friday, March 20, 2020 Click here for more information and to register. Kids Co. - Before and After-School CareClick here for more information. Kids Corps tutoringClick here for the application for new tutees or e-mail for more information. Kidstown at the SJCCClick here for more information.
Mathnasium of Mercer Island Click here for more information.
Mercer Island Martial Arts Click here for more information.
MI Library Study Zone Contact Carrie or call the Library at (206) 236-3537 for more information. Island Park Elementary (IPE) PTA and the Mercer Island School District have neither reviewed nor approved the programs, personnel, activities, or organizations announced in these flyers or websites. The participants agree to protect, indemnify, and hold harmless the District and IPE PTA, including elected and appointed officials, employees, agents, staff, and volunteers, from any and all claims, liabilities, damages, expenses, or rights of action, directly or indirectly attributed to the activities. Permission to distribute this information and/or flyers should not be considered a recommendation of the programs by the school district or by the IPE PTA. These are neither school district nor IPE PTA-sponsored activities. |
 | Island Park Fundraising No Extra Spending. No Catches. |  |
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HUGE changes this year!!! Box Tops has gone digital! No more clipping. No more sending baggies of Box Tops to school!! It adds up! To learn more, visit the Box Top$ for Education page.
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