IN THIS ISSUE Winter After-School Enrichment | Books & Bites | Art Docent Tour/Workshop | Holiday Book Fair | Talent Show | MI Parent Edge Mailing List Volunteer Opportunities | Thank You | MISD News | Community Events | MI Activities for Kids |

From the Interim Principal As we approach this holiday season, there is so much to be thankful for. I continue to stand in awe of our school community for so many reasons. First, our school continues to successfully move forward. Students are learning new skills and finding happiness in their daily accomplishments. I recognize and celebrate the comforting rituals that our staff have created again this school year. This positive, predictable, and supportive school environment is tangible and felt by students, staff, and parents alike. Next, I’m thankful for our revered staff members who continually step up to the plate and tend to our students’ academic and social needs. These professionals come to work with endless energy and nurturing spirits and create a responsive and stable learning environment for all kids. Finally, I’m filled with endless gratitude for you, our parent community. You never stop making students your priority. Through your PTA membership, volunteer work, committee participation, and endless hours of all forms of involvement, you help all Island Park students succeed. Thank you for being there to support our school community. Your help and care are noticed and felt. Here is also a note from Principal Hoffman to our school community. Please read his heartfelt message of appreciation and hope. With Warm Regards, Lisa Deen Interim Principal |
25-27 | No school - Parent-teacher conferences 28-29 | Thanksgiving Break - School closed
5 | Books & Bites fundraiser 5 | Art Docent Tour/Workshop 12 & 13 | Holiday Book Fair View Full Calendar
Winter After-School Enrichment - Enrollment Now Open!
New! Curiosity Club: Join us in a weekly exploration of the curious worlds of science, technology, engineering, art, and math with fun (and sometimes messy!) projects aligned with grade level academics and common core standards. You will conduct experiments, build, take apart, create, and see how art, science, and technology are connected.
- Smart with Art: January 6 – March 30
- Curiosity Club: January 6 – March 30
- Green Team: Meets monthly October – May
- Chess4Life: January 14 – March 31
- Girls on the Run*: March 3 – May 17
- Sponge School Mandarin: October 2 – May 20
- Sponge School Advanced Spanish: October 3 – May 21
- Discover Magic: January 9 – March 19
- Play-Well TEKnologies: January 10 – March 27
*GOTR registration opens in January |
Books & Bites Thursday, December 5 | 9 am - noon, 5-7 pm | Island Books Mark your calendar! Come to Island Books and support our Island Park community! Island Books will donate 20% of its sales this day to the Island Park PTA. Get started on your holiday shopping and consider purchasing gift cards to support your child's classroom or the Island Park library.
We will also have a contest where the teacher whose class has the most families visit the store will get a gift certificate to shop for his or her class.
Come and enjoy food and drinks from 9 am - noon or 5-7 pm OR shop anytime during the day and mention Island Park to make sure part of your purchase goes to our school!
For questions, contact Becky McKanna or Elizabeth Kaplan.
Art Docent Tour/Workshop Thursday, December 5 | 5-7 pm | Frye Art Museum | $20 
The Frye Art Museum has designed a special inquiry-based tour and hands-on workshop specifically for our Art Docent Program. Educators from the Frye will share best practices for building creative confidence and teaching art with a focus on close observation, open-ended discussion, and hands-on exploration. The goal is to learn more about the ways we can observe and experience art while having some fun and getting to know our fellow art docents. This will enrich our own experience of art, which we can pass on to the students we teach! Open to anyone wanting to increase their knowledge base for appreciating and observing art. RSVPs to Kiernan Fly Boike are greatly appreciated, but walk-ins are welcome, too! |
Holiday Book Fair Thursday & Friday, December 12 & 13 | 8:30 am - 4 pm | IP Library 
We are having a two-day holiday book fair! Please come and support your child's reading. Fifty-five percent of the proceeds go back to the school. In addition to hours during the school day, Family night will be on Thursday from 5 to 7 pm.
Students will be able to shop during the day (cash or credit card - no checks please). Scholastic also has some new features such as online shopping or eWallet explained here (a flyer highlighting books is available, too). If you would like to volunteer, please sign-up below.

For questions, contact Librarian Barb Middleton.
Island Park Talent Show - Save the Date! Thursday, March 12 | IP MPR Applications available 1st week of December and due Friday, January 24 
We are so excited to announce that this year’s Island Park PTA Talent Show is gearing up! Come join us for a night to remember, a fun-filled night full of talent and fun! We encourage all budding singers, dancers, comedians, musicians, jugglers, gymnasts, and performers with any other amazing talents to audition for this year’s talent show! We are also looking for some Masters of Ceremonies – please come to the audition with a Talent Show welcoming script. For questions, contact Co-Leads Susan Hamp or Karen Swift. |
MI Parent Edge Mailing List 
Stay up-to-date on upcoming parent education events. Subscribe to the MI Parent Edge mailing list by clicking here. |
AmazonSmile Did you know? Every time you shop at Amazon.com, you can also donate to Island Park PTA at the same time! Select "Island Park PTA" as your charity every time when you shop at smile.Amazon.com, and a percentage of your purchase comes back to the Island Park PTA!
Library Volunteers
Interested in getting involved in your child's reading? The library relies on an amazing pool of library volunteers to help out in the library all year long. Many enjoy interacting with their child's class as they come to the library to checkout books; others volunteer for special projects or the book fairs. Come enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and help promote reading. No experience necessary. Sign-ups for December available below.

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You |
Thank you to all who assisted with and supported this year's fifth grade musical, "The Jungle Book." We so appreciated your support and couldn't have done it without you! Many thanks to: Traci Brandon (choreography), Kristen Salerno (keyboards), Charlie Salerno (guitar), Carmen van Eeden (parent lead), Kristen Lavrinovich, Sarah Giese, Johana Beresky, Kristen Brintnall, Chad Brintnall, Kevin Brintnall, Corina Chin, Kim Chou, Lori deStwolinski, Hayley Duitch, Evelyn Fang, Annika Hoffstetter, Kevin Hockley, Shelly Johnson, Kristen Lavrinovich, Sonja Logan, Becky McKanna, Kei Morita, Samantha Moseley-Avci, Katherine Mulnar, Lisa Patacsil, Lesley Poole, Maria Santulli, Christy Skimming, Katie Penny Shea, Jonathan Solomon, Krishna Sood, Anu Vege, and the Island Park PTA for funding and communication support
Special thanks to: Susan Miller, Nicole Winters, Griffin Jones and Anne Larson (rehearsal support), Cornelius Williams and Tri Lam (custodial assistance)
Sincerely, Susan Hamp, Martina Fitzgerald, and Andy Hamp |
 | Mercer Island School District News |  |
Technology Advisory Group - Seeking New Members  MISD’s Learning Services team seeks volunteer parents and community members to join the District’s “Technology Advisory Group†(TAG). The TAG meets twice annually (usually January and April/May) and is an advisory body for the District’s Technology Services department. The purpose of the TAG is to afford opportunities for parents, staff, and administrators to provide input in the instructional and operational technology program of the school district. New TAG members are welcome to join at any time. More information about the TAG may be found on the Technology Services website. To learn more and/or to join the TAG, e-mail the District’s Director of Information Technology, Andreeves Ronser. |
Did You Know? - New Attendance PolicyMercer Island School District has a new attendance policy this year in accordance with state attendance laws, including a change to the definition of excused and unexcused absences. Within the law, there are 12 valid excuses for absences. For complete details, read the policy (3122A) and Procedure (3122P). Vacation is no longer accepted as an excused absence. Students may not be able to make up work for unexcused absences. Why is this important? Being absent from school means missing out on your education. We want each student included in our schools all 180 days each year. #AttendanceMatters |
Environmental Leaders Summit Friday, December 6 | 9 am - 2 pm | Seattle University Campion Hall Local teens and adults from around Puget Sound are invited to discuss the environmental issues facing our communities. Take action at the Summit’s opportunity fair, where environmental organizations will share ways to get involved. Join community leaders and young environmentalists for a day of dialogue, discussion, and doing as we strive to create more sustainable schools and neighborhoods! Registration required online as space is limited! Questions? Contact YMCA Earth Service Corps. |
Annual Holiday Sing-Along -NEW! Sunday, December 8 | 7 pm | The Royal Room Mr. and Mrs. Hamp's singing group, Sing Noel (also known as the 32nd Street Singers), will be leading the annual Royal Room Holiday Sing-Along. This fun and highly interactive event is for all ages. Lyrics are projected on the big screen, and the choir leads you in traditional holiday favorites. Click here for more information and to make reservations. |
Sing Noel Choral Music Concert - NEW! Monday, December 16 | 7:30-9 pm | MI Congregational Church Mr. and Mrs. Hamp's singing group, Sing Noel, will also perform a free concert highlighting the beauty of choral music within the wonderful acoustics of the MI Congregational Church. Our repertoire will include some lush new holiday arrangements. |
Mercer Island Community Fund - NEW! Do you love MI? Then consider supporting the Mercer Island Community Fund. Thanks to our generous donors, the Mercer Island Community Fund contributes between $20,000 and $50,000 annually to non-profit organizations and programs on Mercer Island, helping to make it a place we all love to live! Learn more and donate today at www.WeLoveMI.org. |
 | Mercer Island Activities for Kids |  |
Little Dribblers -NEW! Saturdays starting December 7 | MIHS Click here for more information and to register.
Smart with Art Holiday Workshop -NEW! Wednesday, December 11 | 2:05-3:20 pm | Island Park E.S. Click here for more information and to register.
"Excerpts from the Nutcracker" by Island Youth Ballet - NEW! Friday-Sunday, December 13-15 | JCC Click here for more information and to purchase tickets.
Northwest Boychoir Auditions For January 2020 enrollment. Click here for more information.
SJCC Winter After-School Classes -NEW! Thursday, January 9 - Friday, March 20, 2020 Click here for more information and to register. Kids Co. - Before and After-School CareClick here for more information. Kids Corps tutoringClick here for the application for new tutees or e-mail for more information. Kidstown at the SJCCClick here for more information.
Mathnasium of Mercer Island -NEW! Click here for more information.
Mercer Island Martial Arts Click here for more information.
MI Library Study Zone Contact Carrie or call the Library at (206) 236-3537 for more information. Island Park Elementary (IPE) PTA and the Mercer Island School District have neither reviewed nor approved the programs, personnel, activities, or organizations announced in these flyers or websites. The participants agree to protect, indemnify, and hold harmless the District and IPE PTA, including elected and appointed officials, employees, agents, staff, and volunteers, from any and all claims, liabilities, damages, expenses, or rights of action, directly or indirectly attributed to the activities. Permission to distribute this information and/or flyers should not be considered a recommendation of the programs by the school district or by the IPE PTA. These are neither school district nor IPE PTA-sponsored activities. |
 | Island Park Fundraising No Extra Spending. No Catches. |  |
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HUGE changes this year!!! Box Tops has gone digital! No more clipping. No more sending baggies of Box Tops to school!! It adds up! To learn more, visit the Box Top$ for Education page.
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