IN THIS ISSUE Back-to-School Parent Pack | Open House | What's Happening on September 4th? | Kiss-and-Go Zone | Eagle Wear | AmazonSmile From the Library | MISD News | Community News | MI Activities for Kids |
From the Principal September September is a month of change. Summer sings its annual swan song, baseball season sends most if its teams to an early shower, and a new school year begins.
I grew up in Nebraska and can distinctly remember the changes that September brought to the Midwest. The cicadas’ incessant summer song came to a close, the blue sky over the flat plains became two shades darker, Cornhusker football fever burned bright red on Saturdays, and my school, Hillside Elementary, opened its sunny yellow doors to greet returning children. .... click here to continue reading |
September 3 | Open House | 11-12 pm 4 | First Day of School (Grade 1st-5th) Opening Day Coffee | 9:15-10:30 am 4-6 | Kindergarten Family Conferences 9 | First Day of School (Kindergarten) Coffee, Kisses & Kleenex | 9:15-9:45 am 17 | Curriculum Night | 5-7 pm 20 | Back to School Bash | 5-8 pm 23-24 | Picture Day |
Back-to-School Parent Pack
 The Parent Pack e-mail was sent on August 30th with instructions on how to register and complete the Parent Pack. Please check your inbox for this important e-mail. In this year's PTA Fundraising Ask Campaign, we are aiming to raise $375 per student (see Where Your Money Goes). Also payable through the Parent Pack are the student fees, PTA membership dues (membership required for directory access), library book donation, Spirit Wear purchases, and yearbook orders. Please note: You can make additional purchases after an initial checkout by returning to My Account --> My FORMS.
Open House Tuesday, September 3 | 11am - 12pm
 All families are welcome to come to school between 11 am-12 pm (only) to visit your child's new classroom, say hello to his/her teacher, and get a tour of the school. Kindergarten families will also meet their child's teacher during scheduled Family Connection Conferences on September 4-6. They are welcome to come both days.
What's Happening on September 4th?
First Day of SchoolThe first day of school for grades 1-5 will be Wednesday, September 4. Island Park's school hours are 9:15 am-3:45 pm, except Wednesdays, which are early release days, finishing at 2:05 pm. The first day of school will be an early release day (dismissal at 2:05 pm). Classroom doors open at 9:10 am. Due to bus schedules and arrival times, the school will not have supervision on the playground before 9 am. Kindergarten Family Connection Conferences Wednesday, September 4 is the first day for scheduled Kindergarten conferences. Conferences continue Thursday and Friday. The first day of school for Kindergarten is Monday, September 9 (normal day of school for all grades K-5).
Opening Day CoffeeAfter you kiss your kids goodbye, please join us in the Multipurpose Room for our Opening Day Coffee. Feel free to bring your younger kids and Kindergarteners with you! It's a great time to catch up with friends or meet new Island Park families over coffee and treats. Learn about events planned for the upcoming year and sign up to volunteer for one (or many!) of them. We'll introduce this year's PTA Committee members and hear from our principal, David Hoffman. Contact president@islandparkpta.org if you have any questions. |
Kiss-and-Go Zone (Parking Lot Pick-Up and Drop-Off)  The Kiss-and-Go Zone and the parking lot is at the front of the school building and can provide an efficient drop-off and pick-up process if all parents and students follow these guidelines (includes map).
Get your Eagle Wear now!
 Show your school spirit and support the Island Park PTA by getting your child some Island Park Eagle Wear! Your children will be so excited to have some stylish, new clothes to wear that show their Island Park pride! Orders are due by Monday, September 30th. No late orders will be accepted. Questions? please contact spiritwear@islandparkpta.org. |
Did you know? Every time you shop at Amazon.com you can also donate to Island Park PTA at the same time! Select "Island Park PTA" as your charity every time when you shop at Smile.Amazon.com and a percentage of your purchase comes back to the Island Park PTA!
Welcome back to a new school year! Interested in getting involved in your child's reading? The library relies on an amazing pool of library volunteers to help out in the library all year long. Many enjoy interacting with their child's class as they come to the library to checkout books; others volunteer for special projects or the book fair. Come enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and help promote reading with me. No experience necessary. Please sign up for the grade you are interested in below:
 I will contact you with a link to the class schedules in September with time slots to volunteer. Thank you and I look forward to another great year!
Barb Middleton Island Park Librarian |
 | Mercer Island School District News |  |
District Requirement for Start of Year: RSVP
If you haven't already, don't forget to log into your Skyward Family Access account and complete all the district forms, permission slips, and notifications required for the start of school. Parents and guardians will also verify their student demographic information and update phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and emergency contacts. All parents will be required to complete and/or acknowledge all forms for their children. Forms should be completed prior to the first day of school. More details here.
MI Parent Edge
Mercer Island Parent Edge operates as part of the Mercer Island School District PTSA, organizing events for parents, educators, and our community. We are excited to bring you some great speakers for the 2019-20 school year! PTA members receive free or reduced admission to all MI Parent Edge events. Check out this year's calendar of parenting speakers and programs at www.miparentedge.org. PTA members receive free or reduced admission to all MI Parent Edge events. Subscribe to Parent Edge if you want to be the first to hear about our upcoming programs and follow us on Facebook!
MI Youth & Family Services Presents: How Trauma Impacts Community: Partnering for Health and Hope Tuesday, September 10 | 6:30-8pm, MI Community & Event Center
Come join us for an interactive and informative Town Hall event where we’ll learn about trauma and the impacts trauma has on our community, on individuals, families, caregivers, friends, and others. You will learn about the different types of trauma, how trauma effects the mind and body, and what we can do about it. You will gain tools to help reduce stress, build capacity to manage challenging experiences, learn about what is eroding our sense of wellbeing and health and what you can do to care for yourself and others. This event will be facilitated by Ruth Yeo-Peterman and is funded by grant funds Mercer Island Youth and Family Services received from Washington State Health Care Authority to enhance Trauma Informed Approaches in the Mercer Island Community. This is a free event. |
Playdate and Treats with Club Scout Pack 668 - Boys & Girls K-5 Sunday, September 8 | 2:00-4:00pm, Dragon Park picnic tables. Enjoy a popsicle or ice cream treat with friends while learning about the fun, activity-filled program for boys & girls in grades K-5. Pack 668 enrollment is open to all families; current families primarily represent Lakeridge and Island Park elementary schools. Click here for more information. Email with questions. |
MIHS Little Cheer Clinic Wednesday, September 11 | 4:30 - 5:30pm, MIHS West Gym Thursday, September 12 | 4:30 - 5:30pm, MIHS West Gym
Calling all future cheerleaders in elementary or preschool school to come practice with the MIHS cheerleaders and learn a routine to perform at the September 13th MIHS Home Football Game! Space is limited so register soon! Click here to register or email MIHSLittleCheer@gmail.com. Once registered you will receive an email with details. |
Girl Scouts Info Session Saturday, September 14 | 1-2:30pm, Redeemer Lutheran Churc h
Interested new Girl Scouts (K-12) and their parents should come on Saturday, September 14th for a presentation, troop formation and to meet your local Mercer Island Girl Scout Community. Fun and snacks provided! Click here for more info. Questions? Contact Kathy Moffett McDonald, Mercer Island Girl Scout Service Unit Manager. |
 | Mercer Island Activities for Kids |  |
Before and After-School Enrichment at Island Park 2019-20 Fall session will run from September 30 to December 13. Registration will begin after school starts -- be on the lookout for the registration email. Kids Co. - Before and After-School CareDesigned to meet the needs kids have during non-school hours. Contact Brittany Smathers, Program Manager at (206) 437-8396 or click here for more info. Kidstown at the SJCCBefore and after-school program offering a nurturing and welcoming environment to kids in K-5th grades. Click here for more info.
MI Boys Lacrosse
Registration for BOYS Lacrosse/FALL BALL is open! Sessions are just once a week on SUNDAYS. Click here for more info.
MI Girls Lacrosse
Island Park Elementary (IPE) PTA and the Mercer Island School District have neither reviewed nor approved the programs, personnel, activities or organizations announced in these flyers or websites. The participants agree to protect, indemnify, and hold harmless the district and IPE PTA, including elected and appointed officials, employees, agents, staff and volunteers, from any and all claims, liabilities, damages, expenses, or rights of action, directly or indirectly attributed to the activities. Permission to distribute this information and or flyers should not be considered a recommendation of the programs by the school district or by the IPE PTA. These are neither school district nor IPE PTA sponsored activities. |
 | Island Park Fundraising No Extra Spending. No Catches |  |
 | | Cut or scan these Box Tops for Education on popular products and send them in to school for collection. Save them for competitions run throughout the year or just send them straight in. Either way, you'll help raise money for Island Park! |
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